Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fun in the Sun...Summer 2014

Our first summer married did not disappoint! We had some great times with friends and family. We also had some exciting things happen. Our house continued to progress, and Shane got a new job at Be Young Total Health! He loves working there. I taught swimming lessons at the Nephi pool, which was right across the street from us. Here are some highlights of our Summer:

We got invited to go on a motorcycle ride with the Rindlisbachers! Its is this really nice family we have gotten to know. Shane coached their son, trent. We (especially Shane) were pretty nervous. Shane had never even ridden a motorcycle before, let alone a BMW road bike. He shouldn't have been nervous, he did amazing! He killed it a few times, but overall he did awesome. We rode up Nephi Canyon to Devil's Kitchen and was a blast!! 
7 Peaks fun with the Blackett family! 
My sister Ashlee and I entered the 10k dirty dash with Jennie and her sister and friend. It was a blast!! More pictures below.
We had a really cool experience of getting to see a guy (Brad) Shane taught on his mission get married and sealed to his wife! Above is a picture of Shane and his companion Clay who taught Brad, and their wives of course;)

The dirty dash was SO muddy and crazy. But so much fun! Funny story...Ashlee and I planned on only doing a 5k. In this race you got to choose if you wanted to do a 10k or a 5k. Well the point where we were supposed to turn for a 5k instead of a 10k had donuts...we totally got distracted and went for the donuts, then went on our way...not realizing we missed the 5k turn! So we did a 10k and didn't really realize it! But I'm glad we did, it wasn't that hard, just fun! 
Boating with some people in our ward! I always love some boating;)
 Shane and I were able to take a fun vacation with my sister Ashlee and her family to St. George! We had a blast swimming in the pool, hiking at Zions, and going to the Tuacon.
We saw "The Little Mermaid" at the Tuacon! Here is Jaiden and Oaklee with me. I love them!
 We helped move the cows on Nebo this summer...and Shane carved our names in a tree:)
 Ute Stampede, a tradition in the Blackett family! I love it.
 Fishing at Payson Lakes with Ashlee and Dustin's family!
 I was pointing to Mona Elementary in this picture so I could show my students:)
For our first anniversary, August 2nd, we decided to hike Mt. Nebo! I had never done it before. We invited Tenille, Brady, and their boys Braxton. WOW! It was a blast. I have never hiked such a hard trail before. As you got closet to the top, it felt like you were rock climbing more than hiking. It was insane! But very symbolic of our marriage...climbing a mountain and making it to the top together!
 We saved a layer of our wedding cake to eat on our first anniversary! It was surprisingly good! It was a very fun day.
The last thing we did before school started was make a trip to one of our favorite places...Cedar City. Not only do I get to see some of my best friends (particularly Janelle) but Shane entered his first CrossFit competition! The first ward was a WOD in Cedar City Crossfit gym. The next part was in Bryan, it looked tough! I am so happy I got to watch Shane! I am also happy I didn't enter haha. Brutal. But Shane did amazing...he got 3rd place!! I was so proud of him.