Our Story

I love to look back on our story and see how everything just fell into place. I know there isn't just one person meant for us, but I really believe we had help from the Lord above. I think every couple feels like that to a certain extent.  I definitely like to think we were meant to be together...because I'm really cheesy like that. haha My favorite part of our story is actually before we "officially" met. Shane and I both went to Southern Utah University in Cedar City. We were there for the same four years, and we were even neighbors at some point, going to the same singles ward! However we didn't know each other. Little did I know...Shane actually had a crush on me. He says he remembers walking into a Sunday school class when he first saw me. There I was, being the nerd I am, taking notes and raising my hand to comment. He says he remembers thinking, wow, she's cute, and into the gospel! Haha Shane even says he told his roommate Chase, "I'm going to marry that girl." Then he looked me up on Facebook and saw that I had a boyfriend, and there ended that dream! It was a big testimony to us that the Lord's timing is everything. We weren't ready to meet then because neither of us were ready to be married. I am grateful beyond words that the Lord led us to each other later on!

So fast forward a couple years...by this point I had gone through many relationships and more dates (good and bad) than I can count. My brother in law, Dustin, never liked any of the guys I dated. One day he asked, in a frustrated tone: "Whitney, just describe your idea of the perfect guy. Don't worry about being picky, give me every detail." So, that's exactly what I did. "I want someone who is really involved in the gospel, has a testimony and loves the Lord as much as I do. I want him to be a returned missionary. I want someone who is really good with kids and loving towards them. I don't want to marry a farmer, but I want him to have grown up on a farm so he knows how to work hard work like I do. I don't want him to be a hunter, and I think it would be attractive if he is into sports, or if he plays sports." I'm sure I said a lot more, but this is all I can remember. I will never forget when Dustin looked at me in a surprised, but excited tone. He said, "You just described Shane Blackett." Well I didn't know who that was...so of course Dustin and Ashlee showed me on Facebook and I recognized him from SUU. I thought he was pretty cute, so why not give it a shot. So they got to work in setting us up. My nieces take dance from Shane's mom, Lisa. So Ashlee asked Lisa one day if Shane was single, and if he would like to go out with me. So Lisa told Shane, and he said: "Yeah, I know her! I used to have a crush on her." haha So Lisa gave him my number.  I found out later that Shane was too scared to call, so he sent me a Facebook message, and we began messaging. He then got the courage to call me and ask me out on a date.

So... Shane and I first officially met on September 23rd, 2012, when we went on our first date. We went to Comedy Sports in Provo, and to his favorite restaurant Los Hermonos. Then we drove around and talked for quite a while. I remember having a lot of fun and feeling really comfortable with him, especially considering it was our first date. I remember playing games in the car, like finding other license plates from other states, etc. I just remember thinking that it was pretty cool I could do things like that with him and not feel dumb. But I also remember thinking that I wasn't that interested, and that it probably wouldn't go further than that first date. So when he asked for a second date, I thought, what would one more date hurt? At this point in my life I didn't want to get married, I thought I was having too much fun being single. Well... I don't know what it was about this second date (all we did was go to the movie Taken 2, and to Village Inn to eat) but I suddenly really really like him. It was so easy to talk and I just had so much fun with him. I remember he put is hand on my leg during the movie and my heart just went wild! Then at the end of the date he gave me a hug and I felt the same way...that crazy twitter-pated feeling you get. Expect this was stronger than I ever remember feeling. From that point on....I was hooked. There was no turning back!

Our first kiss was October 13...kind of a funny story. My plan was to hold off kissing him as long as I possibly could. I learned from past relationships not to rush into things, especially kissing. So there we were...the third date. Shane was still going to SUU at this point, but he came home every weekend to coach football.. and to see me of course;) He came up saturday around noon and we went to lunch at Applebees. Then we went to the dollar movies and saw the new Batman. I remember I really wanted to kiss him in the movies, but I said nope, I'm holding off!! Well that was all we had planned, and he could have easily went home. I should have known at this point that he was the one, because I didn't want him to leave, and he didn't want to go. So...he stayed and hung out with me all day. We went to Spanish Fork were he had tickets to some dirt bike racing thing. Then we went back to my apartment in Provo. We had to leave soon to meet my roommates at Coldstone (it was Tonya's birthday). So we were just talked in the living room. I remember exactly where we were: standing right in front of the T.V. Shane started tickling me and I was laughing so hard. We were closer than we had been all night. I remember when he stopped tickling me we just looked at each other...and we slowly moved in... and had the best kiss ever! I remember feeling shock that it had happened, just like that..but I literally couldn't help it! Pretty pathetic that I couldn't hold off any longer than that. haha. The cool thing was later he told me he had the same thought I did. He wanted to hold off as long as he could because he really liked me and didn't want to rush things. So I guess neither of us could wait any longer! There is so much more to write about in our dating history, but I feel like this post is long enough. So note to self: To read more, about courtship/wedding day/ first year of marriage, it's in the big brown book titled 'Journal" on front.

The rest is history....we were engaged May 9, and married August 2nd, 2013 in the Manti, Utah temple. We've had an amazing journey, and it's only been 10 months. I can't imagine what eternity has in store for us! Marriage definitely is hard at times, but it's also the most incredible thing I've ever experienced. And so begins our Once Upon A Time....
Carving pumpkins! (4th date) 

1st Ugly Sweater part with the Blackett Family! 

Making gingerbread houses at my apartment in Provo! 

Sweet notes Shane wrote me in January! 

First time 4-wheeling together. 

Engaged!! May 9th, 2013, at his mom's Dance Revue.

Get ready for a picture overload! Engagements and Bridals:) 

This picture sums it all up. I had the MOST incredible, amazing wedding day. As you can see, we had our whole family showing their love and support. I felt the spirit so strong that day, and it was honestly one of the happiest days of my life. I get to be with this bunch for eternity!! 

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