Saturday, November 7, 2015

Getting Ready...Fall 2015

Fall time brings some of my most favorite, leaves changing, pumpkins, football games, a chill in the air, Halloween. I love it! But this fall was especially fun and exciting with the anticipation of a new baby in October! We had fun time preparing for him.

Before school started my sweet grandma Tolman was in a terrible car accident. She was lucky to be alive! She broke her back, heel, hip, there was bleeding in the brain. She had to be in a rehabilitation center for a couple months. I am amazed at my grandmas strength both physically and spiritually. She was so positive about the whole thing. Whenever we came to visit, she would just chat our ear off, never complaining. Then she was able to leave earlier than we thought, and she was determined to do a lot of things on her own. She is now living back in her cabin in Fairview, by herself! Which we never thought was possible. She is such an example to me!.

Fun date night at the Bee's game!

First day of school 2015! I love getting my annual first day of school picture with my nieces and nephews! I have a great class this year, all of them are so sweet and helpful! Since I am huge and pregnant, I can't bend over easily. They are always rushing to pick things up for me. Sadly, I've hit a pencil box off the desk with my belly. I've even hit a student in the head with my belly! Haha but luckily teaching while pregnant has been great. I feel great and have a lot of energy! Luckily I had an awesome substitute to take over while I was on maternity leave. Alynn Hansen, who is so nice and sweet! She even came to observe a couple weeks before I was due to have my baby. The kids really liked her! It worked out perfectly and I feel like having her sub was the Lord answering my prayers.

Jordan (who teaches fourth grade with me) is also expecting a baby boy! She is due in February. This picture was taken just a few days before I had the baby! 

One weekend,  my mom and I went down to Logan to help my brother Logan get settled in his new apartment. We had a lot of fun! It felt so weird to see Logan going to college when he used to be the one helping me move to college! Time sure flies. 

Random picture.... but one night Shane and I got bored and he wanted to see if he could spell my name with my hair! Sure enough, he spelled 'Whit' haha. 

Only 6 more weeks!!! 

This fall Shane helped coach a fourth grade tackle football team. He had a lot of fun! It was also a lot of fun for me because four of the kids in my class were on the team! Austin, Hayden, Rowdey P. and Rowdy E. It was fun talking to them about it at school! 

One day I came home from school and found these on the table! The not said "from your secret admirer". I was puzzled because the handwriting wasn't Shane's, but I could tell it was a guys handwriting. I opened it...and it was from my dad! In it he wrote the sweetest note, saying how much he loved me and how grateful he was for me. It definitely brought me to tears! It is not like my dad to do something like that, so it definitely meant a lot and it is something I will always remember.  

My sisters threw me the most amazing shower! I am so grateful for them. Its been so nice to have advice from the experts! :) They are the best! 

 My cousin Janelle (my best friend I grew up with) is pregnant too! She is due about 6 weeks after me. She is having a girl! 

A fun game my sisters put together! Pictures of me and Shane, where everyone had to guess what age we were. 
 Ashlee made me this cute diaper boat! Boston's nursery is anchor themed, so it fit perfectly! 
My grandma Tolman made me the most AMAZING quilt! It is so cute, I loved it. 
My shower that the Blackett's threw! I was definitely spoiled at both my showers. Jordan even through me one at the school! I feel so blessed to have such an incredible and supportive family. I am so grateful for them. After all the showers I was ready for that baby! :) 

 I worked on Boston's nursery all summer! Putting the crib together was quite the adventure. My mom helped me out a lot! She made the crib skirt. I also had a book party and got all those books in his bookshelf for free! The room was definitely all ready for him. 

I decided we better have some pictures of how big my belly is before I had Boston! Here are some pictures of Shane and I at 38 weeks: 

We can't wait for our Baby Boston to arrive!! We already love him more than anything. 

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