Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fun Fall Memories

Fall is both me and Shane's favorite season! I love everything about it: back to school, falling leaves, Halloween, etc. Here are some of my favorite memories from fall 2014.

 First day of school at Mona Elementary! I am so blessed to be a teacher at the same school that my nieces and nephews go to. I get to see them everyday! Kinsley and Oaklee started Kindergarten this year. I love seeing them in the halls! 

 Shane and I got to take a trip down to Cedar for Fall break. We love going to our favorite city! I love that I get to see Janelle and some of my other college friends, like Morgan and Allie. 
 One of my best friends, Katie, and her husband Jeremy were getting sealed in the St. George temple! They invited us to be there. It was such a special day! The spirit was so strong and I am so happy Shane and I were able to be apart of it. It also reminded me of the covenants Shane and I made when we were sealed... and how grateful I am to be able to be together for eternity with the man I love more than anything! 

Like I have have said, we moved into our new house in October. But did I mention we didn't have any furniture? No couches, no TV, no table. Just some barstools at our island. So Shane had the brilliant idea to eat our Sunday dinner out on our deck (his favorite part of the house). It was pretty darn fun, even if we did have to use totes for a table! haha. 

 Shane and I picked up a new hobby...beekeeping! It's been fun. Conference weekend we were able to harvest the honey with the Bailey's. We got about 4 gallons of delicious honey!

 Shane and I love to have our nieces and nephews over! They are the cutest things, and so much fun. We made Halloween sugar cookies with 10 of them over..needless to say, it was pretty messy! But a lot of fun! 
Are they not the cutest things you have ever seen? :) 

 So, funny story. I had bought these lovely wonder woman pj's for pajama day at school. (Our theme in 4th grade is heroes). I went to Shane's work to drop him off something and say hi. I don't think I've mentioned that one of my best friends, Johanna, works at Be Young with Shane! She is my friend that got back from her mission in Tawain this past summer. She lives in provo but we got her a job working here in Nephi. I love seeing her every week! Anyway, I show up wearing this, and she was wearing the exact same thing!! She was going to a costume party and had bought the same pj's. It was hilarious. I love Johanna! 
I love my job! Dressing up for Halloween is my favorite. I am so blessed to have the best co-workers. Jordan and Lyndsay are two of the funniest girls I know. We decided to dress up at fairies this year:) 

Like I said, I love dressing up for Halloween! Lucky for me, Shane will usually dress up with me. This year we were Batman and Robbin :) 
 Necole had a Halloween party at her house this year. It's a tradition that we tie donuts to strings and have a competition who can eat it the fastest, (with no hands of course). Shane had fun helping with this one, as you can tell from the pics. haha.
 I think Spencer won funniest costume this year ;) 
 For my birthday, I had a fun girls night with all my sisters, sister in laws, and mother in law to see the new Hunger Games Mocking Jay movie. We had a blast! I am so blessed to have such a fun family. 
 It has also been tradition that Shane plays in the Turkey bowl in Richfield every year the day after Thanksgiving. I always enjoy going down to watch him play. They won first place for the second year in a row! I must be good luck;) 

CrossFit is another hobby of ours! We have a small group that comes in the mornings. One morning we did 100 burpees! It actually wasn't as hard as it seemed. haha. We have fun working out with everyone. 

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