Sunday, August 16, 2015

Spring 2015

Spring 2015 brought quite a few surprises for Shane and that would change our life forever!

The first surprise was when I was called as the young women president in January! I was shocked...and terrified! But it has been the most amazing experience. My councilors (Auralee Brookes and Avalon Park) are amazing! They do just as much as I do. Our secretary is awesome too-It was Tracy Allred, and now it is Rebecca Davis. Both fabulous! Most of all I love the girls, they sure are special. They have already taught me so much. They are strong, faithful, beautiful and talented. I can't wait to see what these next few years with them will bring! Here are some pictures of what we have done this Spring. 
 Ice Skating in February! 
Manti Temple Trip 

Skeet Shooting! 

Shane had roses delivered to the door on Valentines Day! I was thrilled! It definitely made the day special.

Our next BIG surprise was in February....I found out I was expecting!! We were ecstatic. I definitely feel like it was time for us to have a baby! We didn't tell our family until Easter, I wanted to wait until I was 12 weeks along and past the first trimester. It was such an exciting day! We couldn't be happier or more excited about the greatest adventure we are going to have. :) 

We announced the big news to my side of the family by hiding this message in some easter eggs. Then we gave them the easter eggs and they opened it. Everyone was pretty excited, my mom cried, I cried too of course! It was a fun day. 

We announced it to the Blackett side of the family the next day. We were celebrating Morris' birthday as well as Easter. So we wrapped up baby clothes and a binky with a note that said: Dear Grandpa, You better keep these items at your house. My mom and dad are bound to forget them when we come to visit in October. Love, Baby Blackett. As you can see from the video, he was shocked when he opened it, and then he started crying. Everyone was so excited. It was so much fun! Both Marci and Tenille say they are done having kids, and the youngest grandchild is 4, so they are ecstatic to have a new baby in the family! 

Here are some other fun things that went down this Spring: 

 Johanna and I took a trip down to Cedar City to visit our favorite people! We stayed at Janelle's house, and met everyone else at Chile's. We sat and talked for FIVE hours until it was closing time. It seriously felt like we were back in college. What a blast! I love these girls. 

 Shane and his brother Brady got tickets to several Ute's Basketball games. I went to a couple of them. I always had fun, but it was probably the highlight of Shane's spring! :) Also, side note about the outfit I am wearing: One day I came home from school and there were a couple packages on the counter with a note from Shane. It said they were for me, love Shane. I opened them up and it was a new outfit! He just did it to surprise me, ordered the clothes all by himself. I was so excited! I have the best husband. 

 Fun family night with the Blackett's at Extreme Airsports in Provo!

 Marci let us have her tickets, which were really good ones, to the Jazz game! We got to go "backstage" and meet the famous basketball player Memhet Okur! He is so tall compared to us haha. It was really fun! 

 We had such a fun time going on a razor ride up Nephi canyon, with our awesome neighbors Hilary and Tim Dyering. They are a lot of fun to hang out with. Great date night! 

 One of our favorite spring events of course, is the Dance Revue. It is a great reminder of when we got engaged (2 years ago!) and we get to watch our cute nieces and nephew! Here is a picture with Kinsley, Tenley, Macy, and Oaklee. They are so adorable! 

 I was absolutely spoiled for Teacher Appreciate Week! Look at my cute door and all my gifts. I had a wonderful 2013-14 class! I love them all. 

 On Mother's Day we got to Skype with Logan and Preston. They wanted to see each other as well, and the only way we could think to do that was have them each on a computer, and then turn them to see each other. It worked out well! Here is my mom and dad listening in on Logan and Preston's 

 Here are some of the Young Women and us leaders when we went through the open house of the Payson Temple!! It was absolutely breath taking, stunning! This was a very special temple to us. Not only was it now our temple in our district, but we were working very hard at the time to get ready for the Payson Temple Culture Celebration coming up in June. You will see more on that later! 

 Our ward was able to volunteer one night to help with the open house. The guys needed to help in the parking lot, so that is what Shane did. I helped at the elevators! Which was fun because I was able to talk to people in the elevator. Great experience! 

Spring Fling at Mona Elementary! 2015. Although this event is A LOT of work (Us teachers have to make up the dance and practice many hours with the kids) it is always so worth it! The kids do so well and we all have a blast. This year we did a "disco" theme. This event is around the last week of school. Every year I don't think I will cry the last day of school, but I always do! I grow to love each and every student so much like they are my own. Sometimes it's hard to see them go and know you won't teach them again. But then you get another bunch you love just as much. But it was definitely a great year with this fun bunch of cuties! 

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